Wood Gallery / Alen'kiy cvetochek, 1989, 22*21*20, wood

Aleksey Chetverikov sculpture studio
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    A lot of Aleksey Chetverikov’s  sculptures are not only a work of art. Many of them also have and practical adaptation. One of this works is called “scarlet flower”. Scarlet flower is made of wood and can be used as pedestal, casket or any other box.

    Chetverikov made his composition in accordance with Russian fairy tale. The story said that the scarlet flower is a magical blossom with magic power. In this work master could reflect the magic nature of the flower. A sinuous footstalk adds to the blossom enigmatical and unrepeatable view. Thus sculptor could use unique natural material to create a wonderful work.

    As the flower is made of wood, when you look at them, you can feel that it is bright.

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Alen'kiy cvetochek, 1989, 22*21*20, wood

Sculptor: sculpture@narod.ru

Designed by: Vorazhmadla

© 2008 Chetverikov

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