Wood Gallery / Vospominanie (memorial), 1998, 21*27*19, wood

Aleksey Chetverikov sculpture studio
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    Aleksey Chetverikov is well known sculptor. He is a good master of wood sculptures. Chetverikov differs from other sculptors because in some of his compositions he does not try to make his own form. He only emphasizes some exclusive elements. One of such unusual work of art is called – Memorial.

    This sculpture looks like an abstraction. The character of this composition is a man whose glance is very meditative. When you look at this work flashbacks fill in you mind. Most of them are sadness, while others are not. This composition makes us somewhat reflectively.

    Everybody of us can feel different emotion. These emotions can be differing for every person. For somebody they are gloomy, while for other they will be joyful. And all of them are reflected in sculpture Memorial.

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Vospominanie (memorial), 1998, 21*27*19, wood

Sculptor: sculpture@narod.ru

Designed by: Vorazhmadla

© 2008 Chetverikov

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